Savitribai: Journey of a Trailblazer


This book was published in 2014 by Azim Premji University. Through illustrations by patua artist Sumon Chitrakar, the book narrativizes the life of Savitribai Phule who was a pioneer for education of the marginalised in India. Her determined attempts for women's education in the 19th century make her a "woman ahead of her times, in thought and action, with the courage and sensitivity to lead a life defined by choices often ridiculed or aggressively opposed by society and its institutionalized ways," the book notes. As a teacher and social reformer, Savitribai played a crucial role in furthering the rights of the marginalised and actively participated in bettering the world around her. The book highlights her work at the Satyashodak Samaj, adult literacy centres and even famine releif. 


Azim Premji University

Illustrations: Sumon Chitrakar

کاپی رائٹ

Azim Premji University

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