Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: 2022-23 Fact Sheet (August 2022- July 2023)


The National Sample Survey Office, Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Government of India, published this factsheet on the nation-wide 'Household Consumption Expenditure Survey' on February 24, 2024. The survey was conducted between August 2022 and July 2023. Presenting information on consumption of goods and services in households across India, reports of these surveys are usually published every five years. The previous edition, however, was released in 2011-12.

The questionnaire for the survey slots 405 items of consumption under three broad categories: (i) food items, (ii) consumables and services items, and (iii) durable goods. The survey was conducted across all states and union territories of India, covering 8,723 villages and 6,115 urban blocks. A total of 2,61,746 households – 1,55,014 in rural areas and 1,06,732 in urban areas – were interviewed.

This factsheet presents data on the monthly per capita consumption expenditure (MPCE) of a household, defined as “the total value of monthly consumption of goods and services of the household divided by the number of members of the household”. As opposed to earlier rounds, the factsheet presents a distinct set of MPCE estimates after imputing the value of consumed items – such as rice, wheat, salt, laptop, bicycle, etc. – received free of cost through social welfare programmes of the government.

The factsheet states that the average all-India monthly per capita consumption expenditure (MPCE without imputation) is Rs. 6,459 in urban households for 2022-23. This is about 71 per cent higher than the MPCE in rural households which is at Rs. 3,773.

The reference period (duration for which consumption is recorded) is last seven days for items like edible oil, egg, fish, milk; last 30 days for all other food items, fuel, lights; last 365 days for clothing, education, medical, and durable goods.

This 27-page document includes two sections: Estimates of MPCE (Section I) and Estimates of MPCE with imputation (Section II). The factsheet links five appendices: Appendix A: Questionnaires of Household Consumption Expenditure Survey; Appendix B: Concepts & Definitions; Appendix C: Survey Methodology and Estimation Procedure; Appendix D: Imputation Method; Appendix E: Relative Standard Error & Confidence Interval.


  1. In terms of monthly per capita consumption expenditure (MPCE),  the bottom five per cent of India’s rural population spends Rs. 1,373 every month. This expenditure is Rs. 2,001 for the bottom five per cent of the population in urban areas.

  2. Ranked as per MPCE, the top five per cent of the rural population spends an average of Rs. 10,501. The corresponding figure for the top five per cent of the urban population is Rs. 20,824.

  3. The factsheet defines a household is a “group of persons normally living together and taking food from a common kitchen”. This includes consumption by members of the household as well as guests. The factsheet adds that rural India spends 46 per cent of its total monthly per capita consumption expenditure (MPCE) on food, as opposed to the 39 per cent of the total MPCE spent on food in urban households.

  4. Among all states, MPCE is highest in Sikkim for both rural and urban areas – Rs. 7,731 for rural households and Rs. 12,105 for urban households. MPCE is lowest in Chhattisgarh with Rs. 2,466 spent every month in rural households and Rs. 4,483 in urban households.

  5. Among all states, the rural-urban difference in average MPCE is highest in Meghalaya (83 per cent) followed by Chhattisgarh (82 per cent).

  6. Average MPCE in rural households has increased from Rs. 1,430 in 2011-12 to Rs. 3,773 in 2022-23, the factsheet states.

  7. Average MPCE in households belonging to Scheduled Tribes is Rs. 3,016 in rural areas – Rs. 757 below the overall rural average – and Rs. 5,414 in urban areas – Rs. 1,045 below the overall urban average. Interestingly, during 2011-12, the average MPCE in rural Scheduled Tribes households was Rs. 1,122 – Rs. 308 below the overall rural average.

  8. After imputing the value of items received free of cost by households through social welfare schemes, the average estimated MPCE is Rs. 3,860 for rural households and Rs. 6,521 for urban households.

    Focus and Factoids by Dipanjali Singh.

    PARI Library's health archive project is part of an initiative supported by the Azim Premji University to develop a free-access repository of health-related reports relevant to rural India.


National Sample Survey Office, Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Government of India


National Sample Survey Office, Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Government of India


24 Feb, 2024