{"slides": [{"type": "image", "show_title": "True", "album_title": "The song of Sohrai", "src": "/media/original_images/_BTR8980_copy.jpg", "src_resized": "/media/images/_BTR8980_copy.height-876.jpg", "description": "<div class=\"rich-text\"><p>Every year before the Sohrai harvest festival, the Santals paint the walls of their homes with beautiful colours</p></div>", "album_description": "<p><i>Images from a visit to Chirchirya hamlet of Banka district in Bihar at the time of the Sohrai harvest festival. During the festival, Santal women sing about their way of life while men play the instruments, and there is a feast and some </i>mahua <i>as well</i></p>", "url": "/hi/albums/the-song-of-sohrai/", "slide_photographer": ["Shreya Katyayini"], "image_captured_date": "16 Mar,2017", "slide_location": "Banka, Bihar", "track_id": "", "embed": "", "carousel_html": "<img src=\"/media/images/_BTR8980_copy.height-876.jpg\" />"}, {"type": "image", "show_title": "True", "album_title": "The song of Sohrai", "src": "/media/original_images/_BTR8937_copy.jpg", "src_resized": "/media/images/_BTR8937_copy.height-876.jpg", "description": "<div class=\"rich-text\"><p>Locally-made brews\u00a0\u2013 <i>mahua </i>and palm liquor\u00a0\u2013\u00a0are a part of the festival. Here, the Santals have tied an earthen pot to a tree in\u00a0Chirchirya\u00a0to\u00a0collect palm liquor</p></div>", "album_description": "<p><i>Images from a visit to Chirchirya hamlet of Banka district in Bihar at the time of the Sohrai harvest festival. During the festival, Santal women sing about their way of life while men play the instruments, and there is a feast and some </i>mahua <i>as well</i></p>", "url": "/hi/albums/the-song-of-sohrai/", "slide_photographer": ["Shreya Katyayini"], "image_captured_date": "16 Mar,2017", "slide_location": "Banka, Bihar", "track_id": "", "embed": "", "carousel_html": "<img src=\"/media/images/_BTR8937_copy.height-876.jpg\" />"}, {"type": "image", "show_title": "True", "album_title": "The song of Sohrai", "src": "/media/original_images/_BTR8972_copy.jpg", "src_resized": "/media/images/_BTR8972_copy.height-876.jpg", "description": "<div class=\"rich-text\"><p>During the harvest season, Santal women dry the paddy in the sun for the entire day, then gather it towards the evening</p></div>", "album_description": "<p><i>Images from a visit to Chirchirya hamlet of Banka district in Bihar at the time of the Sohrai harvest festival. During the festival, Santal women sing about their way of life while men play the instruments, and there is a feast and some </i>mahua <i>as well</i></p>", "url": "/hi/albums/the-song-of-sohrai/", "slide_photographer": ["Shreya Katyayini"], "image_captured_date": "16 Mar,2017", "slide_location": "Banka, Bihar", "track_id": "", "embed": "", "carousel_html": "<img src=\"/media/images/_BTR8972_copy.height-876.jpg\" />"}, {"type": "image", "show_title": "True", "album_title": "The song of Sohrai", "src": "/media/original_images/_BTR8991.JPG", "src_resized": "/media/images/_BTR8991.height-876.jpg", "description": "<div class=\"rich-text\"><p>After the paddy is properly sundried, it is heated in aluminum vessels and then husked</p></div>", "album_description": "<p><i>Images from a visit to Chirchirya hamlet of Banka district in Bihar at the time of the Sohrai harvest festival. During the festival, Santal women sing about their way of life while men play the instruments, and there is a feast and some </i>mahua <i>as well</i></p>", "url": "/hi/albums/the-song-of-sohrai/", "slide_photographer": ["Shreya Katyayini"], "image_captured_date": "16 Mar,2017", "slide_location": "Banka, Bihar", "track_id": "", "embed": "", "carousel_html": "<img src=\"/media/images/_BTR8991.height-876.jpg\" />"}, {"type": "image", "show_title": "True", "album_title": "The song of Sohrai", "src": "/media/original_images/_BTR8943_copy.jpg", "src_resized": "/media/images/_BTR8943_copy.height-876.jpg", "description": "<div class=\"rich-text\"><p>Sukra Kisku\u2019s pet hen, tied to a bamboo pole in his house</p></div>", "album_description": "<p><i>Images from a visit to Chirchirya hamlet of Banka district in Bihar at the time of the Sohrai harvest festival. During the festival, Santal women sing about their way of life while men play the instruments, and there is a feast and some </i>mahua <i>as well</i></p>", "url": "/hi/albums/the-song-of-sohrai/", "slide_photographer": ["Shreya Katyayini"], "image_captured_date": "16 Mar,2017", "slide_location": "Banka, Bihar", "track_id": "", "embed": "", "carousel_html": "<img src=\"/media/images/_BTR8943_copy.height-876.jpg\" />"}, {"type": "image", "show_title": "True", "album_title": "The song of Sohrai", "src": "/media/original_images/_BTR9041_copy.jpg", "src_resized": "/media/images/_BTR9041_copy.height-876.jpg", "description": "<div class=\"rich-text\"><p>As the day comes to close, a Santal man takes his cattle back home</p></div>", "album_description": "<p><i>Images from a visit to Chirchirya hamlet of Banka district in Bihar at the time of the Sohrai harvest festival. During the festival, Santal women sing about their way of life while men play the instruments, and there is a feast and some </i>mahua <i>as well</i></p>", "url": "/hi/albums/the-song-of-sohrai/", "slide_photographer": ["Shreya Katyayini"], "image_captured_date": "16 Mar,2017", "slide_location": "Banka, Bihar", "track_id": "", "embed": "", "carousel_html": "<img src=\"/media/images/_BTR9041_copy.height-876.jpg\" />"}], "authors": [{"type": "inline", "show_title": "False", "name": "Shreya Katyayini", "bio": "Shreya Katyayini is a filmmaker and Senior Video Editor at the People's Archive of Rural India. She also illustrates for PARI.", "twitter_username": "", "facebook_username": null, "email": null, "website": null, "author_url": "/hi/authors/shreya-katyayni/"}]}