Discarded textile fibres are turned into ropes of all sizes by women from this nomadic community. They travel to different parts of Gujarat buying up waste fibres, journeying across the state in trains at night
Umesh Solanki is an Ahmedabad-based photographer, reporter, documentary filmmaker, novelist and poet. He has three published collections of poetry, one novel-in-verse, a novel and a collection of creative non-fiction to his credit.
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Nirzari Pandit
Nirzari Pandit teaches communication skills to undergraduate students in Ahmedabad. She has been teaching undergraduate and post graduate students for decades now. She enjoys translating and editing stories as a freelancer.
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PARI Desk is the nerve centre of our editorial work. The team works with reporters, researchers, photographers, filmmakers and translators located across the country. The Desk supports and manages the production and publication of text, video, audio and research reports published by PARI.