
Pali, Rajasthan

Jun 04, 2023

Raika women don't just herd

Women in the Raika pastoral community play a big role in the care of animals, and also do other work

Student Reporter

Geetakshi Dixit


Riya Behl

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Student Reporter

Geetakshi Dixit

Geetakshi Dixit is an M.A. Development student from Azim Premji University, Bangalore. Her interest in the commons and pastoral livelihoods led her to reporting this story as part of her course's final year research project.


Riya Behl

Riya Behl is a multimedia journalist writing on gender and education. A former Senior Assistant Editor at People's Archive of Rural India (PARI), Riya also worked closely with students and educators to bring PARI into the classroom.