The annual monsoon flooding of the Puthimari river, a tributary of the Brahmaputra, is a constant source of anxiety for those who live on its banks. Flood waters destroy farmland, standing crops and even looms, leaving many residents with no option but wage labour. Expensive embankments don't help
Wahidur Rahman is an independent reporter based in Guwahati, Assam.
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Pankaj Das
Pankaj Das is Translations Editor, Assamese, at People's Archive of Rural India. Based in Guwahati, he is also a localisation expert, working with UNICEF. He loves to play with words at
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Pankaj Das
Pankaj Das is Translations Editor, Assamese, at People's Archive of Rural India. Based in Guwahati, he is also a localisation expert, working with UNICEF. He loves to play with words at
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Sarbajaya Bhattacharya
Sarbajaya Bhattacharya is a Senior Assistant Editor at PARI. She is an experienced Bangla translator. Based in Kolkata, she is interested in the history of the city and travel literature.