
Surendranagar, Gujarat

Jan 25, 2025

Fish while you play, play while you cook

Seven boys from Kharaghoda village in Gujarat are learning by doing this afternoon. School has been the opposite of fun for most of them

Editor and Translator

Pratishtha Pandya

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Umesh Solanki

Umesh Solanki is an Ahmedabad-based photographer, reporter, documentary filmmaker, novelist and poet. He has three published collections of poetry, one novel-in-verse, a novel and a collection of creative non-fiction to his credit.

Editor and Translator

Pratishtha Pandya

Pratishtha Pandya is a Senior Editor at PARI where she leads PARI's creative writing section. She is also a member of the PARIBhasha team and translates and edits stories in Gujarati. Pratishtha is a published poet working in Gujarati and English.