
Mumbai Suburban, Maharashtra

Oct 24, 2019

Aarey Adivasis: ‘Then we lost this land of ours’

The 3,200 acre Aarey tract in north Mumbai was once home to 27 Adivasi hamlets. But over the years, several projects have taken over large portions of this land, including a dairy processing unit and a ‘film city’. The latest claimant is a car shed for the Mumbai Metro – for which over 2,600 trees were recently cut and legal battles fought. In the process, the houses of many Adivasis have also been demolished, their farmlands taken over, their livelihoods destroyed. Many have protested, organised marches, filed petitions. As one of them says in this podcast: ‘Not a single morcha has been organised to demand the metro’

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Aakanksha is a reporter and photographer with the People's Archive of Rural India. A Content Editor with the Education Team, she trains students in rural areas to document things around them.


Sharmila Joshi

Sharmila Joshi is former Executive Editor, People's Archive of Rural India, and a writer and occasional teacher.