
Kangra, Himachal Pradesh

Dec 02, 2023

The beauty business in Kamlehar

Renu Thakur’s beauty parlour is located within her home in this village in Himachal Pradesh. Despite the growing competition, it is aglow with local customers and good references

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Student Reporter

Aarti Saini

Aarti Saini is from Alwar, Rajasthan and is pursuing a bachelor's degree. She did this story while interning with non-governmental organisation, Sajhe Sapne and PARI Education in 2022.



Aakanksha is a reporter and photographer with the People's Archive of Rural India. A Content Editor with the Education Team, she trains students in rural areas to document things around them.


Siddhita Sonavane

Siddhita Sonavane is Content Editor at the People's Archive of Rural India. She completed her master's degree from SNDT Women's University, Mumbai, in 2022 and is a visiting faculty at their Department of English.