This is a series from across India that covers the wide arc of rural women’s reproductive and sexual health. Several stories in here shed light on the stigma around infertility, forceful female sterilisation, the lack of ‘male engagement’ in family planning, and inadequate rural healthcare systems that are out of reach for many. Then there are those that cover  unqualified medical practitioners and dangerous childbirths, discrimination due to menstruation, the preference for sons – and more.

While many of these stories report on everyday struggles, there are also those that document the occasional small victories of women in rural India.

To know more about the series, you can watch the video below and read the full series here .

Watch the video: Sexual and reproductive health of women in rural India

PARI and CounterMedia Trust's nationwide reporting project on adolescent girls and young women in rural India is part of a Population Foundation of India-supported initiative to explore the situation of these vital yet marginalised groups, through the voices and lived experience of ordinary people.


ಪರಿ ತಂಡ

Other stories by PARI Team