Energy Statistics India 2022


The Energy Statistics India report is released annually by the National Statistical Office of the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Government of India. This 29th edition was released in 2022 and presents a database of energy-related statistics from across the country for the year 2021. The report compiles data from various ministries and departments of the Government of India such as Ministry of Power, Ministry of Coal, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas and Ministry of New and Renewable Energy.

The report presents state-wise data on energy reserves and capacity, and covers the “extraction, production, transformation, distribution, storage, trade and final consumption” of energy products. It also provides information on the main characteristics and activities of the energy industries.

The 124-page report is divided into eight chapters: Reserves and Potential for Generation (Chapter 1); Installed Capacity and Capacity Utilization (Chapter 2); Production of Energy (Chapter 3); Foreign Trade (Chapter 4); Availability of Energy Resources (Chapter 5); Consumption of Energy Resources (Chapter 6); Energy Balance (Chapter 7); and Sustainability and Energy (Chapter 8).

    রিপোর্টের মূল নির্যাস

  1. The total production of energy resources in India fell by 2.96 per cent from 15,311.05 petajoules in 2019-20 to 14,857.98 petajoules in 2020-21. The biggest source of energy during this period was coal (10,834.35 petajoules) followed by crude oil (1,276.79 petajoules).

  2. Total consumption of energy declined from 32,559 petajoules in 2019-20 to 30,171 petajoules in 2020-21, the report states. The annual consumption of energy was highest from coal (13,709 petajoules) and crude oil (9,286 petajoules), however a general decrease in consumption was noted across all resources of energy.

  3. As per the report, there has been a growth of 2.36 per cent in total estimated coal reserves in India between 2019-20 and 2020-21. Total estimated reserves of coal increased from about 344 billion tonnes in April 2020 to 352.13 billion tonnes in April 2021. Jharkhand, Odisha, and Chhattisgarh account for roughly 70 per cent of total coal reserves in the country.

  4. The estimated reserves of crude oil in India reduced from 603.36 million tonnes in 2020 to 587.33 million tonnes in 2021, the report notes. Western Offshore had a majority of the reserves – 219.27 million tonnes – followed by the state of Assam with an estimated 153.05 million tonnes.

  5. As of April 2021, the total reserves of natural gas in the country were estimated at 1372.62 billion cubic metres. The largest natural gas reserves were situated in Eastern Offshore (557.07 billion cubic metres), Western Offshore (325.65 billion cubic metres) and Assam (166.63 billion cubic metres).

  6. According to data from the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, the refinery production or crude throughput i.e., the amount of crude oil processed, decreased by 12.8 per cent between 2019-20 and 2020-21. It fell from 254,386 thousand metric tonnes to 221,773 thousand metric tonnes.

  7. The overall potential for energy generation through renewable resources grew from 1,097,465 megawatts in March 2020 to 1,490,727 megawatts in March 2021. This included potential energy generation up to 748,990 megawatts from solar power, 695,509 megawatts from wind power and 21,134 megawatts from small hydro power.

  8. More than 50 per cent of the total potential of renewable power generation in India is located in four states - Rajasthan (18.2 per cent or 271,219 megawatts), Gujarat (12.1 per cent or 180,215 megawatts), Maharashtra (11.2 per cent or 166,743 megawatts) and Karnataka (10.3 per cent or 154,162 megawatts).

  9. Of the total installed capacity – or net capacity – of power generation from renewable sources in 2021, solar power had the highest capacity at 42.4 per cent or 40,085.37 megawatts. It was followed by wind power (41.6 per cent) and bio power (10.4 per cent).

  10. Among states and union territories, Karnataka registered highest installed capacity of grid interactive renewable power at an estimated 15,462.8 megawatts. Tamil Nadu followed with 15,225.35 megawatts and Gujarat had the third highest installed capacity of 13,152.63 megawatts.

  11. Overall production of petroleum products in India fell from 262.94 million tonnes in 2019-20 to 233.51 million tonnes in 2020-21. The petroleum products whose share was largest were: high speed diesel oil (100.44 million tonnes), motor gasoline (35.78 million tonnes), naphtha (19.4 million tonnes), petroleum coke (12.66 million tonnes) and liquid petroleum gas (12.07 million tonnes).

  12. The report states that the net import of coal declined by 14 per cent in the year 2020-21 over 2019-20 figures – 212.31 million tonnes over 247.51 million tonnes.

  13. The industrial sector was the biggest consumer of energy at 56.22 per cent of total consumption. The transport sector accounted for 8.82 per cent of total consumption and the residential, agriculture, commercial, public and other sectors together contributed to around 34.96 per cent of the overall consumption.

    Focus and Factoids by Vinit Agarwal.


National Statistical Office, Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Government of India, New Delhi


National Statistical Office, Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Government of India, New Delhi

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জানুয়ারি, 2022

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