
Beed, Maharashtra

Apr 14, 2022

Inspired by Ambedkar: Salve's liberation song

On Ambedkar Jayanti, Shahir Atmaram Salve’s poetry exhorts the listener to give up the old ways and follow the path shown by Babasaheb


Labani Jangi


Medha Kale

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Keshav Waghmare

Keshav Waghmare is a writer and researcher based in Pune, Maharashtra. He is a founder member of the Dalit Adivasi Adhikar Andolan (DAAA), formed in 2012, and has been documenting the Marathwada communities for several years.


Medha Kale

Medha Kale is based in Tuljapur, Maharashtra and is the Marathi Translations Editor at the People's Archive of Rural India. She has worked in the field of women and health. 


Labani Jangi

Labani Jangi is a 2020 PARI Fellow, and a self-taught painter based in West Bengal's Nadia district. She is working towards a PhD on labour migrations at the Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Kolkata.