Energy Statistics India 2023


This report is the 30th annual edition of the Energy Statistics India published by the National Statistical Office of the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Government of India. Released in March 2023, it provides data on energy statistics in India for the financial year 2021-22.

It gives a picture of the changing energy situation of India and includes data from various departments and ministries of the Government of India such as Ministry of Coal, Ministry of Power, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy and Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas. The report provides information relating to capacity, reserves, trade, consumption, production and prices of energy products. It also provides information on the main characteristics and activities of the energy industries.

The 137-page report contains eight chapters: Reserves and Potential for Generation (Chapter 1); Installed Capacity and Capacity Utilization (Chapter 2); Production of Energy Resources (Chapter 3); Foreign Trade and Prices of Energy Resources (Chapter 4); Availability of Energy Resources (Chapter 5); Consumption of Energy Resources (Chapter 6); Energy Balance and Sankey Diagram (Chapter 7); and Sustainability and Energy (Chapter 8).


  1. As per the report, there has been an overall increase of 8.82 per cent in the production of energy resources in India from 14,837.6 petajoules in 2020-21 to an estimated 16,146.4 petajoules in 2021-22. As per provisional figures, the biggest sources of energy during this period were coal (11,774 petajoules) and electricity from hydro, nuclear and other renewable resources (1,330 petajoules).

  2. Energy consumption in India has grown by 10.39 per cent from 30,354 petajoules in 2020-21 to 33,508 petajoules in 2021-22, according to provisional estimates. The highest year-wise consumption was noted in coal (15,556 petajoules) and crude oil (10,342 petajoules), making up 77.3 per cent of all energy consumption.

  3. According to the report, the estimated coal reserves in India have increased by 2.64 per cent between 2020-21 and 2021-22 resulting in a total of 361.41 billion tonnes as on April 1, 2022.

  4. Crude oil reserves in India amounted to 651.77 million tonnes on April 1, 2022, an increase from the 591.92 million tonnes recorded the previous year. Western Offshore had the largest share of the estimated reserves (216.63 million tonnes), followed by Assam (148.6 million tonnes).

  5. As of April 1, 2022, the total estimated reserves of natural gas in the country were around 1,138.67 billion cubic metres. A majority of these resources were located in Western Offshore (337.29 billion cubic metres) and Eastern Offshore (269.04 billion cubic metres) regions.

  6. Refinery production or crude throughput, that is, the amount of crude oil processed increased between 2020-21 and 2021-22 by nine per cent. It rose from 221,773 metric tonnes to 241,703 metric tonnes.

  7. The estimated potential for power generation from renewable sources in India was 1,490,727 megawatts on March 31, 2022, same as recorded in the previous year. As of that date, Rajasthan had the highest estimated potential of renewable power (18.19 per cent), followed by Gujarat (12.09 per cent), Maharashtra (11.19 per cent) and Karnataka (10.34 per cent).

  8. Energy policies have impacted the use of kerosene as fuel in India, the report notes. The provisional figures show a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of kerosene use recorded at -16.42 per cent, showing a decline in its consumption from 2012-13 to 2021-22.

  9. The total installed capacity – or net capacity – of grid interactive renewable power increased by 14.7 per cent between 2021 and 2022 from 95,803 megawatts to 109,885 megawatts. Especially due to the solar and wind power in the region, Rajasthan reported the highest installed capacity at 17,040.6 megawatts. It was followed by Gujarat (16,587.9 megawatts), Tamil Nadu (16,099.3 megawatts), Karnataka (15,904 megawatts) and Maharashtra (10,657 megawatts).

  10. Installed capacity for energy generation from solar power grew by 30.95 per cent between 2020-21 and 2021-22. The cumulative capacity increased from 41,236 megawatts to 53,996 megawatts in this period.

  11. The availability of crude oil, lignite and natural gas has increased by 6.48 per cent, 23.48 per cent and 5.08 per cent respectively during 2021-22 compared to the previous year, provisional estimates show. However, there has been a decline in the availability of coal by 1.07 per cent during the same period.

  12. In the year 2021-22, energy consumption (end use) was estimated to be around 525,708 thousand tonnes. The industrial sector was the largest consumer of total final energy in India.

  13. Energy intensity is the “amount of energy consumed for generating one unit of gross domestic product (at constant prices)”. It fell from 0.2801 megajoules per rupee (at 2011-12 prices) in 2011-12 to 0.2245 megajoules per rupee in 2021-22. The per-capita energy consumption during the time increased from 20,874 megajoules (in 2012-13) to 24,453 megajoules (2021-22).

    Focus and Factoids by Barkha Budhiraja.


National Statistical Office, Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation Government of India, New Delhi


National Statistical Office, Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation Government of India, New Delhi


ਮਾਰ, 2023