सह्याद्रीच्या पश्चिम घाटांच्या उत्तरेकडील कास पठार हे लोप पावणाऱ्या वनस्पती आणि प्राण्यांच्या स्थानिक प्रजातींचे घर आहे. अनियंत्रित पर्यटनामुळे ही नाजूक परिसंस्था धोक्यात आली आहे
Jyoti is a Senior Reporter at the People's Archive of Rural India; she has previously worked with news channels like 'Mi Marathi' and 'Maharashtra1'.
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Siddhita Sonavane
Siddhita Sonavane is Content Editor at the People's Archive of Rural India. She completed her master's degree from SNDT Women's University, Mumbai, in 2022 and is a visiting faculty at their Department of English.