गुरूदेव रवींद्रनाथ टागोरांची ही बंगाली कविता एखाद्या राजसत्तेची, धर्माची किंवा मानवतेची मूल्यं नक्की काय असायला हवीत हे सांगते – सत्य, शांती, करुणा आणि प्रेम
Arunava Sinha is an associate professor of practice in the Creative Writing department at Ashoka University, and Co-Director, Ashoka Centre of Translation. An award-winning translator, he works across Bengali and English, translating many works of classic and contemporary fiction, non-fiction, and poetry.
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Atharva Vankundre
Atharva Vankundre is a storyteller and illustrator from Mumbai. He has been an intern with PARI from July to August 2023.
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Dr. Aparna Jha (Mehendale)
Dr. Aparna Jha (Mehendale) is a linguist based in Pune with vast experience of teaching Bengali, Hindi and Marathi at various institutions in India and abroad. She is a prolific translator and has recently brought out a Marathi-Bengali dictionary.