
Nagapattinam, Tamil Nadu

Jun 02, 2021

Keezhvenmani: huts ground to dust and ash

On December 25, 1968, landlords killed 44 Dalit workers in this Tamil Nadu hamlet. A poem on that tragedy in a week when Mythili Sivaraman, one of the great chroniclers of that atrocity, has passed away

Poem and Text

Sayani Rakshit


Labani Jangi

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Poem and Text

Sayani Rakshit

Sayani Rakshit is studying for a Master's degree in Mass Communication at Jamia Milia Islamia University, New Delhi


Labani Jangi

Labani Jangi is a 2020 PARI Fellow, and a self-taught painter based in West Bengal's Nadia district. She is working towards a PhD on labour migrations at the Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Kolkata.