In Haryana’s Biwan village, access to contraception among the Meo Muslims is uphill due to cultural factors, inaccessible health services and indifferent providers – trapping women in a cycle of childbirth
Anubha Bhonsle is a 2015 PARI fellow, an independent journalist, an ICFJ Knight Fellow, and the author of 'Mother, Where's My Country?', a book about the troubled history of Manipur and the impact of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act.
Sanskriti Talwar
Sanskriti Talwar is an independent journalist based in New Delhi, and a PARI MMF Fellow for 2023.
Priyanka Borar
Priyanka Borar is a new media artist experimenting with technology to discover new forms of meaning and expression. She likes to design experiences for learning and play. As much as she enjoys juggling with interactive media she feels at home with the traditional pen and paper.
Hutokshi Doctor
Series Editor
Sharmila Joshi
Sharmila Joshi is former Executive Editor, People's Archive of Rural India, and a writer and occasional teacher.